Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Wormholes 101

Hello everyone! Tauza here again with another quick topic for those that have interest in it.


If you have spent any amount of time in Eve Online you may have heard about Wormholes without knowing anything about there. If your interested there are of course lots of blogs and videos out there that can help explain about them. Eve University for example :-) BUT I wanted to give you a few videos that will help you maybe decide if you want to research it more.

First, here is is the first of a four part series from CCP that in my humble opinion is a must watch series. I will just link the first one, follow the rest if you wish.

The second video I would recommend is one that helps you identify them. If you find this is something that you want to do, then at this point you should watch the next one. If you started to watch the first videos I listed and your not interested then just stop reading this now and save yourself some time :-)

Interested in more posts like this one then let me know in the comments below.

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